An inspiring and inclusive leader, software developer, entrepreneur, and technology evangelist. I excel at building high-performing teams and cultivating organizational cultures that produce outstanding results. Passionate about driving innovation and achieving excellence through creative thinking, connecting people, and a relentless pursuit of success.
I currently lead a 40+ mobile/connected engineering for WBD's Sports Technology vertical, helping to build and deliver sports digital experiences for Bleacher Report ( iOS | Android ) & March Madness Live ( iOS | Android ). I create technical strategies, architect solutions, manage and grow the engineering teams, and define processes for the organization.
The Aces is a blockchain-based community that has an affinity for sports, travel, & technology.
The Pinata Android library provides convenient access to the Pinata API from your Android/Kotlin applications.
The Pinata Ruby library provides convenient access to the Pinata API from your Ruby applications.
GitHub Action automation for generating sequential build numbers based on Git tag.
Fastlane plugin to upload iOS or Android mobile app binaries to NowSecure for security analysis.
I am passionate about automation and Fastlane is one of my favorite tools in my toolbox. I wrote an open source Fastlane plugin for Roku app automation.
My blog post announcing the release of the Pinata for Android library was highlighted in issue #655 of Android Weekly.
My 2021 360|Andev conference talk on 'Writing Amazing Tech Specs!' was highlighted in issue #499 of Android Weekly.
Winner of the Outstanding Trans-media Sports Coverage Awarded for March Madness Live at the 39th Annual Sports Emmy Awards.